With an unstoppable desire to pursue his dreams, a young Kenzo Takada embarked on a voyage from his native land of Tokyo to Paris – the world capital of fashion. Upon arriving, he only had his talent and 5 francs to live on per day. Nobody would have imagined the pioneering career he was soon to build.
Men weren’t allowed into design schools. Being creative was not accepted in Japanese society in the 1950s.
Kenzo Takada
Leaving post-war conservative Japan and arriving in 1968 revolutionary France, was an eye-opening journey that made him the extraordinary fashion designer that we all know him to be.
Throughout his 30-year fashion career, he combined Eastern and Western elements in his work, accumulating fans from all corners of the world and making him the first truly global designer of the 20th century.
This documentary is constructed as an immersive, sensory-driven journey, giving audiences a glimpse into the life of a free man and a multi-cultural artist.
Poet of cotton and ethnic-chic stylist, Kenzo Takada invites us to travel and to celebrate life…